Color Pic-a-Pix Light Vol 1 - Play this Free Online BoardGame Game which is a brain game, coloring game, en game, griddlers game, logic game, math game, nonogram game, painting game, picross game, picture game, pixel game, puzzle game, smartLanguagesen and all free games on Fupa Games
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Color Pic-a-Pix Light Vol 1 Category:Online Puzzles Games Description: The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting blocks in each row and column so their length, color and sequence corresponds to the clues, and there is at least one empty square between adjacent same-color blocks. It is allowed to have no empty square between adjacent different-color blocks. There is only one unique solution for each puzzle. This game is online. Tags:Logic, Picture, Nonogram, Picross, Griddlers Instructions: Select the color you wish to use and click the desired square in the grid. First mouse click fills a square, second mouse click displays a dot to indicate the square is blank and third click brings the square back to its original state. Multiple squares may be filled or blanked by dragging the mouse.