Roulette Online Information
Roulette Category: Online Casino Games
Description: Roulette is a simple and fun game to play at all online casinos. Roulette, meaning "small wheel", consists of a wheel, a ball and a table marked with separate boxes containing numbers in non sequential order. You can place bets on any particular number or a set of numbers. Once you have placed your bet(s), clicking on the Spin button initiates play and the ball is released in the opposite direction of the spinning wheel. When the ball stops in one of the numbers, you win if your bet was placed on that number. This game is online.
Tags: Classic Roulette , Egyptian Roulette , GoldRush Roulette , Island Roulette , Prehistoric Roulette , Roulette , american , ball , bingo , bingo , black box , blackjack , card , card games , cards , casino , chuck and toss , chuck farthing , chuck-a-luck , color , crack-loo , crap game , crap shooting , craps , craps , european , fan-tan , fun , game , hazard , hazard , horse racing , horse racing , keno , keno , leader , leaderboard , loterry , lotto , money , numbers , online , other color , pinball , pinball , pitch and toss , play , poker , policy , pol
Developer: Andosonson
Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Roulette.
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