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Online domino Games
Play Mexican Train DominoesMexican Train Dominoes Game

Plays: 82345
Category: Puzzles
This amazingly fun game of dominoes will have you reeling with happiness! All you have to do is match the dominoes with whatever you have! you make sure you have dominoes to play on your train or else your train will go down and any of the players can play on your train! Be fast and get rid of your dominoes before everyone else!
Play Multiplayer DominoesMultiplayer Dominoes Game

Plays: 69239
Category: BoardGame
Ever wondered why dominoes is one of the most famous tile-based games in the world? Come and experience its unlimited fun with a friend now! Your goal in Multiplayer Dominoes is to place all tiles in your hand onto the table before your opponent does so. The game is played with a set of 28 tiles. Each of the tiles has two sides, each of the sides is marked with 0 to 6 pips, for example 0-0 (a completely blank tile), 1-0, 1-1, 2-0, and so on. A tile which has the same number on both sides is called a "double." All combinations of numbers on the tiles are unique so that no two tiles are the same. When the game begins, each player will be dealt 7 tiles. The player who holds the highest double, or the highest rank of tiles if neither player is holding a double, will start the game. The two players will take turns to place a tile onto the table. During your turn, you can choose a tile in your hand which has a matching number of pips on one side with that of a tile on either end of the domino chain, then click and drag the tile to that end. For example if the tile on one end of the domino chain is a 5-4, you can choose the 4-3 in your hand and connect it with the 5-4. Note that when a tile is placed, it must be in a vertical or horizontal position that the matching sides of the two tiles are adjacent. A double must be placed perpendicularly to the previous tile, while the next tile played to a double must also be perpendicular to the double. Note that you can no longer connect a tile to an end of the domino chain when it is blocked by other tiles or when it reaches the edge of the table. If you have run out of moves, you can draw a tile from the stock pile, but you cannot do so if the stock decreases to 2 or below, and in this case, you will need to pass the turn to your opponent. The round continues until a player empties his hand and wins the round, then the total number of pips on the other player's remaining tiles will be added to the winning player's score. If both players still have tiles in their hands but neither of them can make a move, the round will also end. In this case, the player who has a smaller number of pips on the tiles in his hand wins, and the difference in the two players' numbers of pips will be added to the winning player's score. Then the next round starts until a player's score reaches 100 and wins the game. Make use of wise tactics to block your opponent's path, get rid of all your tiles as quickly as possible to be crowned king of dominoes!
Play Domino MultiplayerDomino Multiplayer Game

Plays: 26795
Category: Multiplayer
Domino is one of the oldest chinese games. It is still played in all the world by millions of people. With this game you will be able to play with your friends, thanks to the multiplayer tecnology.
Play DominoLatino!DominoLatino! Game

Plays: 23003
Category: BoardGame
Domino Game played the Latino way. This game is currently the pre-cursor to a multiplayer game system.
Play All Fives Domino SoloAll Fives Domino Solo Game

Plays: 9144
Category: BoardGame
The goal of the game is to make the open ends of the layout add up to 5 (or a multiple of five - 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.). You can draw 10 times (or more) and at any time 1-7 tiles to make up your hand. The first double (1-1, 2-2, ..., 6-6) is known as the spinner. To this spinner next tile can be added vertically only and then next in parallel on both sides. The ends of the initial double do not count towards the point total once both sides of the tile have been played. If there are no dominoes left you can go to the next level and receive 3 bonus draws tiles and 100 points!
Play Chick cannonChick cannon Game

Plays: 8448
Category: Puzzles
A physics based puzzle game,Put the chick into the coop by firing rocks
Play Threes And Fives Domino SoloThrees And Fives Domino Solo Game

Plays: 8252
Category: BoardGame
The goal of the game is to make the open ends of the layout add up to 3 or 5 (or a multiple of three - 6, 9, 12, 15 etc. or five - 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.). The multiples of 15 get 100 points! You can draw 10 times (or more) and at any time 1-7 tiles to make up your hand. The first double (1-1, 2-2, ..., 6-6) is known as the spinner. To this spinner next tile can be added vertically only and then next in parallel on both sides. The ends of the initial double do not count towards the point total once both sides of the tile have been played. If there are no dominoes left you can go to the next level and receive 3 bonus draws tiles and 100 points!
Play Sebastopol DominoesSebastopol Dominoes Game

Plays: 7717
Category: BoardGame
Sebastopol Dominoes
Play Azuana DominoesAzuana Dominoes Game

Plays: 5862
Category: BoardGame
Play dominoes the latino way, in pairs! Welcome to the long awaited multi-player version of DominoLatino! Challenge your friends and rise in the rankings, playing your favorite game, Dominoes! Features, built-in chat, achievements, levels, rankings, custom player cards, teams and more!
Play Double TwelveDouble Twelve Game

Plays: 5265
Category: Puzzles
A solitaire domino puzzle game. Try to eliminate all of the dominoes by removing pairs that total 24 from a standard double-twelve set.
Play Domino Battle - MultiplayerDomino Battle - Multiplayer Game

Plays: 4983
Category: BoardGame
Play Domino Multiplayer, One-on-One, turn based game with auto-matching and virtual tokens betting
Play Sky BlocsSky Blocs Game

Plays: 4555
Category: Puzzles
A new chain-reaction puzzle game with 30 levels and a level editor. Using a series of dominoes and other strange pieces from your toy box and beyond create a chain-reaction to knock down all the dominoes and trigger the flag. Then watch those blocks tumble! Created by The First Door.
Play Domino 23-STOPDomino 23-STOP Game

Plays: 4522
Category: Casino
Plays another domino tiles that the sum of both sides (rows) of the tiles was a prime number and receive a sum equal to 23. When the sum of one side (row) of domino tiles (or both sides) is not prime you lose points. Domino tile with the number of 0 resets the sum. Domino plate with 1 place only when it gives a sum equal to the prime number - if it does not give prime number you lose 10 points. Obtaining a sum equal to 23 in a row gives you bonus: 50 points x number of obtained sums. Every three sum gets completed, you get additional draws tiles. Sum greater than 23 ends the hand and you lose points.
Play dominodomino Game

Plays: 4389
Category: Puzzles
A simple game of dominos. The Goal is to put dominos in the hole area, and all juxtaposed numbers have to be identic. 3 modes of difficulty.
Play DominoDomino Game

Plays: 4143
Category: BoardGame
Domino is a simple, enjoyable game that everyone can play, no matter how old he is or how much experience he has in the game. The traditional domino set consists of 28 dominoes, colloquially nicknamed bones, cards, tiles, tickets, stones, or spinners. Each domino is a rectangular tile with a line dividing its face into two square ends. Each end is marked with a number of spots or is blank. The game can be played by two, three or four players.
Play Logical DominosLogical Dominos Game

Plays: 4046
Category: Puzzles
Try to separate out all the Domino pieces which are joined together to form a grid, in this addictive puzzle.
Play Domino AceDomino Ace Game

Plays: 3955
Category: BoardGame
Play domino against your computer and take the victory.
Play Klondike Domino SolitaireKlondike Domino Solitaire Game

Plays: 3665
Category: BoardGame
Move domino tiles on a free field and create the correct sequence. Domino tile can be put, when one of its halves, the left or right, is one less than a domino tile above. In the first top row of tiles can be placed only domino with six. When you can not perform the correct motion delete 1-1 tile, but then you lose half the points on this level.
Play DominoDomino Game

Plays: 3380
Category: BoardGame
A simple Dominoes game, with 2 AI levels.
Play Hidden dominoHidden domino Game

Plays: 3365
Category: BoardGame
Find and remove all hidden domino stones.

-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

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