Mahjongg II - Play this Free Online Game which is a strategy game, mahjongg game, fun game, puzzle game, memory game, mahjong game, android and all free games on Fupa Games

Mahjongg II a free online game from Fupa

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About Mahjongg II Game

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Date: 8/20/2008 2:26:00 PM
Category: Strategy Games
Description: Mahjongg II is a super fun matching game sure to relieve any boredom you may have! In this game you remove mahjonggs by picking them by pairs. You can only pick a mahjongg if it is on the top of the stack and it can be reached from the left or from the right. Make sure to be strategic when picking mahjonggs because a single mahjongg can block the access of a lot of mahjonggs. Also be fast because the faster you are the higher you points will be! This game is free.
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Other Games: Mahjongg II
Developer: Fupa
Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Mahjongg II.

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Mahjongg II High Scores
1st PlaceGeneralachimini116050 points
2nd PlaceGeneralachimini115750 points
3rd PlaceMinersanfrois115300 points
Minersanfrois114950 points
Generalachimini114700 points
Jockmaxima1572114450 points
Minersanfrois114150 points
Anne Bonnybelphoebe113500 points
Robin Hoodzsgrammy113400 points
Robin Hoodb1te113400 points
Robin Hoodvilcho33113350 points
Robin Hoodvilcho33113300 points
Minersanfrois113300 points
Minersanfrois113150 points
Robin Hoodzsgrammy112600 points
Robin HoodMHarbak112450 points
Minersanfrois112200 points
Anne Bonnybelphoebe112100 points
Robin Hoodzsgrammy111600 points
Minersanfrois111400 points

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