Fupa Kingdoms Defense - Play this Free Online Game which is a tower defense game, tower defence game, tower game, defense game, defence game, kingdoms game, fupa game, fupa kingdoms game, fun game, strategy game, awesome game, win game, kingdom game, defend game, android and all free games on Fupa Games

Fupa Kingdoms Defense a free online game from Fupa

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About Fupa Kingdoms Defense Game

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Date: 11/5/2008 2:26:00 PM
Category: Strategy Games
Description: Fupas very own stars in this game and what fun it is! Fupa Kingdoms Defense offers a broad range of tower defense maps for you to choose from and allows you to build your own tower defense maps. Each map is a Fupa Kingdom which you have to defend from the onrushing enemy hoards by building defense towers. There is a huge range of map building tiles, enemies, and towers you can customize to suit you. Flash tower gives you the privileged of building your own map.This game is very exciting and fun. What are you waiting for? Defend the Fupa Kingdoms for awesome! This game is free.
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Other Games: Fupa Kingdoms Defense
Developer: Fupa
Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Fupa Kingdoms Defense.

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