Bricks Squasher - Play this Free Online Action Game which is a fupa game, pong game, action game, fun game, classic game, game game, flash game, win game, double pong game, paddle game, ball game, android and all free games on Fupa Games
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Bricks Squasher Category:Online Action Games Description: Bricks Breaking is a super fun rendition of the classic arkanoid game. In this game you will use your paddle on the bottom of the screen to hit the ball and destroy the bricks. There are game inhancing bricks that will either help you in your game or make your game more difficult. There are bricks that will narrow or broaden your paddle and there are also bricks that will reward the player with a helper ball to help them destoy bricks. Be careful though because your game ends if you fail to hit the ball. The game is won if you destroy all the bricks. This game is online. Tags:fupa, pong, action, fun, classic, game, flash, win, double pong, paddle, ball, android Developer:Fupa Instructions: Use mouse to move the bar.