Alien Jackpot 2 - Play this Free Online Action Game which is a action game, alien game, arcade game, block game, casino game, en game, english game, highscore game, jigsaw game, puzzle game, skill game, slot game, tetrisLanguagesen and all free games on Fupa Games
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Alien Jackpot 2 Category:Online Action Games Description: Arrange the block sto achieve four items in a row of same seed, same color or both. When the screen is overfilled the game is over. Move the blocks with the arrow keys. Use the spacebar to speed-up the counter. Score Four 7 in a row : 5000 pts speed -50 Four bells in a row : 700 pts speed -20 (if same color), 350 pts (if different color) Four cherries in a row : 500 pts speed -20 (if same color), 250 pts (if different color) Four cucumbers in a row : 400 pts speed -20 (if same color), 200 pts (if different color) Four prunes in a row : 300 pts speed -20 (if same color), 150 pts (if different color) Four items of same color but different seeds score 150 pts This game is online. Tags:action, alien, arcade, block, casino, en, english, highscore, jigsaw, puzzle, skill, slot, tetrisLanguagesen Developer:Blue_Star_Interactive Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Alien Jackpot 2.