Galaxies Invaded: Chapter 1 - Play this Free Online Action Game which is a 3d game, defender game, en game, galanga game, insects game, invaders game, pre game, pre-render game, render game, ship game, space game, starLanguagesen and all free games on Fupa Games
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Galaxies Invaded: Chapter 1 Category:Online Action Games Description: We are moving spaceship which must destroy thousands of insect enemies that threaten to entire universe. During game we getting money, and we can buy many upgrades and weapons for our ship. Features of chapter 1: 5 Different Levels Giant Boss Great Action 10 different enemies 3D pre-render graphics and animations Specially recorded soundtrack About 20 minutes of game play Nice Sound Effects 3 additional and 2 special weapons 12 upgrades for ship This game is online. Tags:3d, defender, en, galanga, insects, invaders, pre, pre-render, render, ship, space, starLanguagesen Developer:Nirvan Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Galaxies Invaded: Chapter 1.