Space Shoot - Play this Free Online Action Game which is a Shooting Games game, alien game, battle game, combat game, destroy game, en game, enemy game, extra-terrestrial game, fight game, fire game, force game, galaxy game, invade game, outer space game, planet game, shoot game, space game, s and all free games on Fupa Games
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Space Shoot Category:Online Action Games Description: Coveting the rich resources on your planet, an alien force has declared war and launched massive attacks against your homeland. As an officer of the defenders, your goal in the game is to control your spacecraft and destroy the enemies. To do so, simply use your mouse to move your craft, and press the mouse to fire at the alien spaceships. Do not stop shooting until a spacecraft is destroyed, and by doing so you will receive 100 points. Note that some of the enemies cannot be eliminated, so you need to be careful and avoid crashing into them. You will start the game with 3 lives, as shown at the top left corner. If you are hit by an enemy, one life will be deducted. You lose the game when all of the lives are gone. Fight against the intruders and safeguard your beautiful planet from devastation! This game is online. Tags:Shooting Games, alien, battle, combat, destroy, en, enemy, extra-terrestrial, fight, fire, force, galaxy, invade, outer space, planet, shoot, space, spacecraft, spaceman, spaceship, star, star wars, universe, warLanguagesen Developer:primarygames Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Space Shoot.