Incredipede - Play this Free Online Adventure Game which is a build game, create game, creaturecreatures game, en game, eyeball game, feet game, green game, incredipede game, monster game, northway game, physics game, puzzle game, qwop game, stage3d game, stage3d game, walkLanguagesen and all free games on Fupa Games
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Incredipede Category:Online Adventure Games Description: Incredipede is a puzzle game that celebrates the vast diversity of life in the world. The game follows Quozzle, a lone Incredipede on a dire quest to rescue her sisters. She has a unique ability to grow new arms and legs wherever she needs them, transforming into a snake, a spider, a horse, a monkey - anything you can imagine. You can give her antlers or a tail, use nature as a blueprint or strike out in weird new directions. Control Quozzle as she learns to swing through the trees, climb sheer cliffs, dance over rivers of lava, and even soar through the air on thermal winds. This game is online. Tags:build, create, creaturecreatures, en, eyeball, feet, green, incredipede, monster, northway, physics, puzzle, qwop, stage3d, stage3d, walkLanguagesen Developer:sarahnorthway Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Incredipede.