A Bingo Knight - Play this Free Online BoardGame Game which is a Bingo game, Board Game game, Casino game, Single PlayerLanguages and all free games on Fupa Games
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A Bingo Knight Category:Online BoardGame Games Description: Game Name - 'A Bingo Knight' Game Description - 'A Bingo Knight' is the classic game of Bingo that is played with two computer-generated virtual players Sam and Kelly using virtual money. The Game includes a Bingo Caller, which actually speaks the bingo calls. Goal - Win the game by earning more money through 6 winning stages. Controls - Mouse Left Click only How to play - Numbers would be called one by one from 1 to 90 randomly. You would be given a Ticket containing 15 numbers generated using Bingo ticket algorithm. Click the announced number on your ticket if present. If you finish any of the six winning stages (i.e. 'Quick Five', 'Corners', 'First Row', 'Middle Row', 'Last Row' or 'Full House'), click on the 'Bingo' button to claim the money. Winning Stages - 1. Quick Five - Any five numbers on your ticket. 2. Corners - First and last numbers of 'First Row' and 'Last Row' on your ticket. 3. First Row - All the numbers of 'First Row' on your ticket. 4. Middle Row - All the numbers of 'Middle Row' on your ticket. 5. Last Row - All the numbers of 'Last Row' on your ticket. 6. Full House - All the numbers on your ticket. This game is online. Tags:Bingo, Board Game, Casino, Single PlayerLanguages Developer:anuaan Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play A Bingo Knight.