Kakuro - Play this Free Online Education Game which is a Logic Games game, Math Games game, Sudoku Games game, addition game, arithmetic game, blank game, calculate game, clue game, crossword game, digit game, en game, equation game, grid game, integer game, kakuro game, logic game, log and all free games on Fupa Games
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Kakuro Category:Online Education Games Description: This highly addictive numerical game of Kakuro is refined from the fine elements of Sudoku and crossword. Come and challenge the randomly generated puzzles now! Your goal in this game is to fill in all of the blanks with numbers 1 to 9, such that the numbers in each horizontally or vertically connected group are not the same, and the numbers in a group will give the sum of the clue in front of the group. When the game opens, you will be given numerous blanks which are randomly divided into different groups, running horizontally or vertically. In front of each group a number is presented as a clue, indicating the sum of all numbers within that group. When you hover your mouse over a clue, the possible equations will be displayed for your reference. To fill in a blank, click the number pad on the left of the screen, then click the corresponding square. If a number you put violates the rules mentioned above, the corresponding squares will be highlighted in red, and you can remove the incorrect numbers by clicking the cross button on the number pad and selecting the corresponding squares. If you cannot make any moves, you may click the Hint button at the bottom of the screen to receive an answer, but note that each time you do so 100 seconds will be added to the time you have spent, as indicated at the bottom left corner. Spice up the lengthy days, animate the longsome nights and activate your mind as you engage in the latest puzzle craze! This game is online. Tags:Logic Games, Math Games, Sudoku Games, addition, arithmetic, blank, calculate, clue, crossword, digit, en, equation, grid, integer, kakuro, logic, logic games, math, math games, mathematics, number, numbers, operation, puzzle, puzzle games, solution, square, sudoku games, sumLanguagesen Developer:primarygames Instructions: Check inside the game for instructions on how to play Kakuro.