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Online tactic Games
Play TacticsTactics Game

Plays: 8092
Category: Action
Battle tanks in this simple real time strategy game.
Play MiniFlashRTSMiniFlashRTS Game

Plays: 5862
Category: Strategy
RTS (real-time strategy) game where combat operations are conducted at a mini battlefield. The goal of the game is to gain military and economic advantage over an opponent and defeat him by taking control over all the territory. Build structures, produce units, precede economic management, research and develop new technologies, prepare defense and offensive, take control over battlefield, choose strategy and defeat your opponent. You're playing against a computer with an advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) implemented.
Play QuoridorQuoridor Game

Plays: 27389
Category: BoardGame
The amazing maze. To be the first to reach the line opposite to one’s base line.
Play GaddyGaddy's Castle Defense Game

Plays: 22665
Category: Other
Castle Defense is a real time strategy game, free and directly playable in your browser: neither installation nor account creation is required. Build walls, fire at the ennemies with your archers and hold your positions: you have to defend at all cost your main tower against the ennemis attacks
Play Word KingdomWord Kingdom Game

Plays: 17337
Category: Word
Finish your campaign to conquer the WordLand. Get enough resources by arrage the letters into a word, then build your kingdom and start your expansion.
Play Xeno Tactic2Xeno Tactic2 Game

Plays: 9856
Category: Strategy
Xeno Tactic 2 is an absolute must for all the turret defense game lovers of you and makes a great visual impact! Stop the alien vehicles in their tracks by building defensive structures in this tower defense game.
Play Civilizations WarsCivilizations Wars Game

Plays: 9374
Category: Adventure
A fast thinking RTS/RPG game, with deep tactic capabilities and amazing graphic in unique style. Choose one of three races and lead your people towards the legendary fallen star to find the secret force. Battle through 99 levels (33 for race), capture 11 varieties of buildings (3 types), in 8 game mods, learn 18 skills, use 10 spells, defeat 3 huge monsters, receive 100 achievements and find one secret force in the end. - Houses generate people. - Crystals, give crystal energy (to use spells), and increase speed of your troops. The more people inside, the more crystals you’ll get. - Towers increase defense of your troops. The more people inside, the faster it shoots. For more tips click OPTIONS button. p.s. If you have any issues with the game just upgrade your flash player to the latest version.
Play soccerchampmanagersoccerchampmanager Game

Plays: 8902
Category: Sports
- Animated matches. - Choose the right tactic and players to the right circumstances. - Buy and sell players - Upgrade your facilities and stadium. - Player/Club statistic. - Improve players by training and trainingcamp. - AI comments from fans, papers and experts. And so much more.....
Play Tactic BalanceTactic Balance Game

Plays: 7954
Category: Education
Make a percet balance. Collect maximum scores using all of block numbers.
Play Tactic ReactionTactic Reaction Game

Plays: 7656
Category: Shooting
Start reaction.
Play Summoner Saga Endless ChapterSummoner Saga Endless Chapter Game

Plays: 5671
Category: Strategy
Third chapter of Summoner saga Endless, Sequel of Flash RPG battle game, Summoner Saga! Many new features added in SSE, include new story, new characters, dungeons, multiple guardians, etc. Stronger enemies and boss will come from this chapter. Follow the story, explore the dungeon, and defeat your enemies with your tactic and strategy.
Play Aliens DefenseAliens Defense Game

Plays: 5587
Category: Action
Aliens defense is a tactical defense game. Monsters are intelligent and they will attack your defenses if that can open them a quick path to your base.
Play Stair Battle (2 players allowed)Stair Battle (2 players allowed) Game

Plays: 5307
Category: Action
A game which require quick reflex and some tactic to overcome the upcoming obstacles and the dangerous spikes ahead. The vs mode is also allowed for duel or cooperation to have more fun with your friends!!!
Play Street Race in ManhattenStreet Race in Manhatten Game

Plays: 4966
Category: Action
Race in the streets of Manhatten, but be smart and strategic if you wanna beat the record.
Play Mole RaceMole Race Game

Plays: 4650
Category: Action
You are in mole territory trying to collect food. However stay in the fast track and avoid the moles if you wanna survive and beat the record.
Play ChinaChina Game

Plays: 4614
Category: Action
Find the fastest way to run through China in this fun, exciting and addictive racing game, but be fast cause time is ticking
Play TD5000TD5000 Game

Plays: 4524
Category: Action
Place guns to kill the enemy before they reach your base! TD5000 introduces multiple enemy spawns with complex paths to provide unique situations for the player to defend.
Play The Strangers 4The Strangers 4 Game

Plays: 4221
Category: Shooting
The Strangers 4 is a game of skill and strategy. Complete your objectives in hostile enemy territory and return home safely, using both Sniper support and Ground Assault.
Play Tactic ReactionTactic Reaction Game

Plays: 4087
Category: Puzzles
Use mouse to start atomic reaction
Play ????? (Bubble Domination Chinese)????? (Bubble Domination Chinese) Game

Plays: 3653
Category: Action

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