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Endless Tour Game

Plays: 27134
Category: Driving
Forever Tours is offering the Endless Tour Challenge. They're offering free bus tours to anyone that wants one. The problem is, the tours never end and there is no way off. Your job is to drive the tour bus and keep it going as long as possible. Show the tourists the sights and make sure to refuel the bus every once and a while. If the bus runs out of fuel, the tourists will try to flee and break Forever Tours' Eternity Guarantee.
Stop Train! Game

Plays: 24431
Category: Other
Stop a runaway train with the strongest tool in your arsenal: physics. A train has started rolling down hill without brakes and is headed straight towards a building filled with cute things. As a resourceful rail yard switchman, you decide to stop the train with a weighted rail car. Will you make the situation better or worse?
Type Command Robot Game

Plays: 19520
Category: Action
After a rise in monster, mythological creature, and ancient god attacks, the Army built a series of giant robots to fight. However, the giant robot on duty when a minotaur attacks a power plant has a memory fault. Someone needs to continually refresh the memory by supplying a constant stream of data. In this instance, the data is words typed by the operator. Type the words that float by correctly to get the robot to move, crush houses, and fight the monster. Keep the Words Per Minute (WPM) average high.
Back Shaver 9000 Game

Plays: 19357
Category: Other
As the Back Shaver 9000, the latest in back shaving robotics, your task and sole purpose in life is to make backs smooth via shaving. It's a tough but necessary job, and someone or something has to do it. People pay to get things waxed. Why not let a robot do it? Use your mouse to shave backs.
Moon Pump Game

Plays: 16649
Category: Other
There are two game mode: Launch and Lunar Landing. In Launch, tap spacebar quickly and repeatedly to pump air into the "fuel tanks" and pressurize the "engines." When the countdown ends, the spaceship will launch. There are two ways of playing this mode. You can go for maximum altitude and a high score -- compete in the leaderboards -- or try to land on the moon by hitting a sweet spot of air pressure (A hint is in the introduction. Stick to "The Plan"). In Lunar Landing, a simplified Lunar Lander game occurs. Tap the arrow keys to control speed in any direction. Try to land on the Apollo 11 LEM. Don't land too fast or outside the landing area or the fragile ship will crash and sadness ensues. A Leaderboard exists for the Lunar Landing Sequence to gauge speed and efficiency in landing. Happy Launch and Happy Landing. Don't try this at home, kids.
Pumpkin Pie Make! Game

Plays: 15530
Category: Other
There is a pumpkin shortage this year and thus a shortage of pumpkin pie, and, as a farmer, you decide to turn to Kweak Gureau Industries rapid growth, perpetually respawning pumpkin seeds. Pick the pumpkins, smash them, and make them into pies to make a profit before time runs out and the holiday season arrives. Beware of crows stealing your profits. Also, don't drop the pumpkins.
Kebab Fling Game

Plays: 15340
Category: Other
You are the kitchen warrior. Disciplined, skilled, and with razor sharp reflexes. You must prepare kebab orders the only way a warrior can: by having the ingredients launched at you and catching them on the skewer in mid-air. What? Would you expect any different, Master Chef?
Public LiBEARy Game

Plays: 13617
Category: Other
After a partnership with an animal control agency that takes its name too literally, a local public library has employed a bear as librarian. Play as the bear as it sorts books, collects late fees, quiets noisy patrons, and fixes broken vending machines.
Space Monster! Run! Game

Plays: 13437
Category: Other
Drupson Epsilon is a small moon orbiting Chalice Curbo. It is also a Zoo housing many exotic and dangerous animals from all over the galaxy. Unfortunately, people frequently fall into the animal habitats. Double unfortunately, rescue is not possible. Anyone that falls in needs to survive as long as possible. This fact is where the game begins. Outrun the Space Monster as long as possible.
Kite! Jet! Trampoline! Game

Plays: 12917
Category: Other
After a landing gear mishap, a fighter jet is running out of fuel. Unfortunately, the plane has live ordnance under its wings and can't just make a belly landing. It needs it's landing gear. Fortunately, the landing gear landed on top of a novelty trampoline on a trampoline delivery truck. The driver attempts to bounce the landing gear back up to the jet and save the day. Adding to the mayhem, the jet is heading towards a minefield for planes -- a kite festival.
Conga Line Game

Plays: 11988
Category: Other
Help an alien race known as the Congar Conga around obstacles in search of their missing ship. The Congars are an alien race who must constantly be in a Conga Line or they will die (like sharks and swimming). As a agent of the Federal Bureau of dance, it is up to you to aid the Congar. Use detour arrows to guide the Congar to the exit without losing too many to obstacles and hazards.
Dino Art Museum Game

Plays: 11880
Category: Other
In a desperate cry for attention, the City Art Museum has started displaying their pieces of art on the backs of dinosaurs. You get to design a piece of art and control the dinosaur. Unfortunately, the dinosaur has been distracted by some nearby ham. Create the art and race to the ham. As the artist, draw by clicking on the canvas. Select other colors by clicking them. As the dinosaur, race to the ham by alternately pressing A and D Keys. Press Space to jump over the art in your way. Crushing a piece of art will cost the dinosaur one second of precious ham eating time.
Beam Me Up, Santa Game

Plays: 10398
Category: Other
Santa floats high above the Earth in Sleigh IV, his mobile North Pole Zeppelin. From this base, he uses matter teleportation technology to place presents inside of homes without the hassle of shimmying down a chimney. How else does he give presents to everyone in one night? Magic? No, definitely not. In this game, you play as Santa taking the controls of a matter transporter as he uses the Naught-Nice List to determine who gets what.
Pie Blimp Game

Plays: 10318
Category: Other
Discount Pie Warehouse is having a crazy promotional giveaway. Free pie distributed by blimp. One time, and one time only, they are using the Pie Blimp to drop pie on possible customers (and the unsuspecting). The blimp should drop the type of pie to match the color of the clothes that the possible pie eater is wearing. Crazy? Or crazy good idea for pie distribution? Use A and D Keys to move left and right. Drop pies with Spacebar. Use Free Play Mode to just fly around dumping pie on people's heads.
Diving Me Crazy Game

Plays: 9658
Category: Adventure
Dive deep into the ocean and ride its powerful currents in an non-propulsion based bathysphere -- circa 1937. Avoid angry, angry sea creatures while recovering artifacts from a long lost civilization. Up Arrow wheels you back in and Down arrow drops you deeper into the ocean.

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