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Online snake Games
Play Solid Snake SoundboardSolid Snake Soundboard Game

Plays: 18195
Category: Other
A soundboard made of audio clips from the famous Solid Snake.
Play Machaon (+score)Machaon (+score) Game

Plays: 7619
Category: Other
Machaon is a snake like game
Play Ultra SnakeUltra Snake Game

Plays: 6246
Category: Strategy
Like in the classic version of snake, but in this one, you can destroy the blocks!
Play SchnakeSchnake Game

Plays: 5432
Category: Action
I made this game on a very boring day, it isn't very elaborated, but I think it could be quite funny (if you are on a boring day...).
Play KamiKami Game

Plays: 15556
Category: Puzzles
Win friends. Influence people. Then screw them over. Play Kami, the power game that tells you how ambitious you are. Kami is an ancient game invented in China by the revered Emperor Yao in order to teach his son the skills he would need to lead the Dynasty. Sadly the game exposed his heir as a dullard who was lacking in all of the qualities needed to rule the state: tenacity, charm, will, foresight and intensity. Kami is a game of territory and power decided by ever shifting alliances and ever changing strategies. In Kami you will learn that ruthlessness without charm is not enough. That charm without intelligence is meaningless. That intelligence without allies is ineffectual. And in the process you will learn about yourself and just how far you would be prepared to go to attain your ambitions. As the poet wrote: If Kami is a game, then so is life, both governed by the same four rules: When you wish to lead, watch those behind you. When you wish to follow, watch those ahead. When you want to love, look beside you. When you want to hate, look inside your head. In life we learn these things over many years ... In Kami we learn them in an instant. Kami is a satisfying real time flash game for 1 – 9 players that operates on many levels and provides you with an accurate reading of your character and ability as a tactician. The rules are easy, until you realise that the battle is raging inside your head!
Play SeaSnakeSeaSnake Game

Plays: 14433
Category: Shooting
A sea snake chases after an unfortunate fish but has many obstacles in its way such as sharks, piranhas, octopi and many more. There are two modes of playing -' adventure' where you go through the levels one by one and 'non-stop' where you choose a level and try to get the highest score. This game is a mix of retro style games such as snake, helicopter and space invaders making it inherently addictive!
Play Flash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA MissionsFlash Gear Solid VR: The NIKITA Missions Game

Plays: 12696
Category: Action
Welcome to the FLASH GEAR SOLID VR Trainer. Your mission is simple. Use your remote control NIKITA missiles to destroy all of the targets in each level. Use a variety of techniques to get the fastest time and claim first place. Set in a 3D environment, you can use the First Person View to better explore your environment. Beat all of the levels to find out what is in the box! This project started out as my test of the PaperVision 3D 2.0 engine and AS3 and was inspired by my friend's FotoViewr project (see it at I hope you enjoy the game! This was a short term project so there are still several things I would have liked to put in - but they'll probably go in the possible future sequels and/or revisions. Comments and suggestions (level designs or general) are welcome.
Play Block OutBlock Out Game

Plays: 7264
Category: Action
A simple game where you use the cursor to navigate, dodging flying circles and your own trail. You gain lives every so often, and score by moving.
Play PacmedaPacmeda Game

Plays: 5860
Category: Puzzles
Pacmeda is a tile based game where the player shoots at the enemy. Although this style of game is not new, this game will prove to be as addictive as pacman or snake.
Play snakersnaker Game

Plays: 5393
Category: Action
retro snake game
Play Snake ClassicSnake Classic Game

Plays: 5296
Category: Action
Great new rendition of the "classic" game of Snake. Use the mouse to move, but don't let the snake reach the cursor or it will die!
Play Snake!Snake! Game

Plays: 4151
Category: Other
Classic Black-And-White Snake!
Play snake - refurbishedsnake - refurbished Game

Plays: 3870
Category: Puzzles
a simple clasic game of snake ... origanaly from mobile phones now onto the computer games system. Enjoy the refurbished mode of SNAKE by eating all you can
Play WhitewormWhiteworm Game

Plays: 3490
Category: Other
Whiteworm and the red pixel...
Play SnakeSnake Game

Plays: 2919
Category: Other
A Funny Arcade Game
Play Snake Eats ZombiesSnake Eats Zombies Game

Plays: 42072
Category: Action
You are a snake. Shoot zombies and then eat them to become longer! Try to get the highest score and complete all challenges!
Play Pearl WormPearl Worm Game

Plays: 31670
Category: Action
A very beautiful worm game, with some more action than in normal worm games.
Play Original Snake Classic!Original Snake Classic! Game

Plays: 30438
Category: Action
This classic game of Snake will have you addicted and wanting more! Direct your snake around with your keypad and get him to his food, as he eats he will grow and you will have to make sure not to tangle him while he tries to get his food!
Play Achtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake PublicAchtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake Public Game

Plays: 21738
Category: Strategy
Achtung, die Kurve! bears some resemblance to the game Snake, though in Achtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake, the main goal is to play against your friends and make your opponent hit the wall, his curve or your curve. You control the curve by only two buttons: one makes the snake turn left; the other, right. Although the game has primitive graphics, the gameplay is considered very good and the game is loved by many fans worldwide. It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master! Be warned though - it's addicting!
Play Bulldozer SnakeBulldozer Snake Game

Plays: 20630
Category: Action
Drive your Bulldozer, collect various items, deliver cargo to the base. And don't run out of fuel. Power-ups and progressive multiplier for unbroken sequence of gathered items gives you a chance to win the challenge. The musical environment directly depends on the length of the Bulldozer Snake's tail. The longer your tail is the more fragments of music composition you hear. Discover them all. A fresh sight on classic game mechanics.

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