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Online Chess Games
Play Hell TourHell Tour Game

Plays: 4381
Category: BoardGame
On Halloween eve, you wake up realized you are in HELL! The only way to get out of here is to make your way to deepest level of hell, and reason with the devil himself. 18 levels of hell. Find the key to unlock the door.
Play ReversiReversi Game

Plays: 4192
Category: Puzzles
Come2Play Reversi let's you play against a rival from across the internets or invite a friend directly to your game. Get in on the Reversi making fun.
Play Fun GobangFun Gobang Game

Plays: 4139
Category: BoardGame
It is a fun leisure game. You win when you make five pieces in a line.
Play Chess GameChess Game Game

Plays: 4096
Category: Sports
chess Game
Play QueensQueens Game

Plays: 4088
Category: BoardGame
You have to place 8 queens (chess) on the same board without them "killing" each other. Remember that a Queen can move in all directions horizontaly, veticaly or diagonaly as many spaces as the board allows.
Play Pet play firecrackerPet play firecracker Game

Plays: 4074
Category: Puzzles
In China everybody fire firecracker on the New Year's day. So player should arrange different colors of firecrackers to make its explosion. And you will get gift when firecracker exploded at the same time. If you receive all the gifts there could be a surprise discovery.
Play AlilG Multiplayer ChessAlilG Multiplayer Chess Game

Plays: 4044
Category: BoardGame
AlilG Multiplayer Chess
Play Battlefleet ChessBattlefleet Chess Game

Plays: 4037
Category: BoardGame
Star Wars meets Chess.
Play ChessChess Game

Plays: 3972
Category: BoardGame
Chess is one of the most popular and entertaining games. Play againts computer and checkmate the king!
Play ChessChess Game

Plays: 3947
Category: BoardGame
Chess is a game played by two players. Each player moves one set of pieces, one set being called 'white' and the other set called 'black'. To start the game, the players place their pieces on the board as follows:
Play PlexagoPlexago Game

Plays: 3811
Category: BoardGame
Plexgao is a game of mind. A simple turn based puzzle game in which you build shapes, jump enemies, and fight for board control. Play against the 5 different Ai or play your buddy via the local Versus option. Intuitive like checkers, complex like chess.
Play Day Of ValorDay Of Valor Game

Plays: 3735
Category: Action
In Ancient times, warriors of the Greek and Roman worlds would come together to celebrate and compete in trials of skill and cunning known as the Olympiad. Now you can relive those battle-tested ordeals in Day of Valor, a platform strategy game where you accept the role of an ancient warrior and face 15 unique trials. Each trial presents a different challenge and will test your mettle, seeing if you would have been able to stand with these mighty figures of the past. Find out if today is your Day of Valor.
Play Ninja vs AliensNinja vs Aliens Game

Plays: 3692
Category: BoardGame
You are a Ninja in a very strange place, there are full of aliens! Can you survive the restless creatures attack?
Play CheckersCheckers Game

Plays: 3643
Category: BoardGame
Checkers game with following rules A simple move involves sliding a piece one space diagonally forwards to an adjacent unoccupied dark square. A jump is a move from a square diagonally adjacent to one of the opponent's pieces to an empty square immediately and directly on the opposite side of the opponent's square, thus "jumping directly over" the square containing the opponent's piece. All piece may jump diagonally forwards and backwards. If you can make a jump in your turn then you have to do it !!! When multiple-option jumping moves are available, whether with the one piece in different directions or multiple pieces that can make various jumping moves, the player may choose which piece to jump with and which jumping option or sequence of jumps to make. The jumping sequence chosen does not necessarily have to be the one that would have resulted in the most captures; however, one must make all available captures in the chosen sequence.
Play ChessChess Game

Plays: 3620
Category: Puzzles
Come2Play Chess let's you play against a rival from across the internets or invite a friend directly to your game. Get in on the Chess making fun.
Play MultiplayerChessMultiplayerChess Game

Plays: 3587
Category: BoardGame
Chess is a board game involving two players. It is played on a chessboard, a square-checkered board with 64 squares. At the beginning of the game each player controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove or defend it from attack on the next move.
Play Flash checkers 3Flash checkers 3 Game

Plays: 3587
Category: Puzzles
A game for two or more players on board multicellular-like chess, checkers, specialized chips. Like chess, checkers reproduce the actions of fighting forces according to certain rules.
Play Ming MangMing Mang Game

Plays: 3577
Category: BoardGame
A board game based on the Tibetan strategy game Ming Mang. The game has four difficulty levels and four different board setups. Can you beat the Master?
Play Goats Versus TigersGoats Versus Tigers Game

Plays: 3564
Category: Action
WARNING- 'INSANELY ADDICTIVE' You can play this game on Android also. 'Goats Versus Tigers' is a very very funny and addictive strategy based game like chess. This is a hunt game between the extravagant Tigers and deceitful Goats. Here tiger tries to hunt the deer and the deer tries to block the tiger's movement. Player can play as 'Tigers' or as 'Goats'. If you are playing as 'Tigers' then you will have 3 tigers. Your goal is to kill 7 goats to win the game. You can kill the Goat by jumping over them to an empty spot. Tiger can not jump over another tiger. Again you have to escape from being trapped. If tigers are fully surrounded by goats and if there is no place to jump then tigers will loose the game. If you are playing as 'Goats' then you will have 15 goats. Your goal is to block 3 tiger opponents. First of all you have to get all the goats on board. Once all goats are on board then only you can move on the board. If you surround tigers so that there is no empty space for the tiger to jump on then that tiger is blocked. Recent changes: Gameplay improved..added more fun...Now AI is super strong New art added... Performance improved...
Play Check FlagCheck Flag Game

Plays: 3560
Category: BoardGame
Puzzle board game that grows in complexity as you progress.

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